Artist Profile - Aaron Morgan Brown

Today on Artist Spotlight, we highlight local artist Aaron Morgan Brown.  Brown is a photorealistic painter whose works depict his interest in delving into the mysteries of the subconscious mind. “I don’t feel the need to reinvent forms, or flaunt some stylistic signature ‘look’”, states Brown, “it’s simply a matter of rearranging reality and recombining the ingredients. The possibilities are endless.” Through this “rearranging of reality”, Brown places unlikely subject matter into recognizable environments. Surreal imagery used, such as a classical Adam portrayed amidst everyday objects such as a garden hoe, traffic sign, and rotary phone in Edenism or a hog invading a domestic space in Proclamation creates a dream-like blur that straddles the boundary between the familiar and unexpected.  

Using his daily observations, memories, impressions of the world, and imagination as his inspiration, Brown’s works create a window to a richly colored alternate reality within the confines of a picture frame. His works often function as an exercise of reflection or state of heightened self-awareness: “I’m searching in the forest of the subconscious, looking for something, anything to help me gain some greater perception of my own existence in this world,” Brown states.  Much like the voyeuristic nature of one’s own subconscious, Brown suggests that the figures in his works are not stationary, but rather function merely as impressions that can surpass the confines of the artistic space and enter into other realities. 

Brown denies any literal interpretations when it comes to how he would like audiences to respond to his work.  “My only hope is that the viewer is somehow moved by what they see in a way that might create some serious, lingering sensations that rotates one’s view of the world,” states Brown, “Objects speak as they will, and every viewer will translate their statements according to a different lexicon of experience.” 

In the creation of his works, Brown attempts to come to a deeper understanding of himself, other living beings, and all other Earthly matter that share in his existence.  

For more information on the artist, visit