Works by Paul Punzo

Song - "Disinformed"

Artist - Serene Fiend

Paul Punzo is a visual artist who works with linoleum block carvings, watercolors, silkscreen, spray paint, and india inks, creating one-of-a-kind pieces of art. Paul was born in Topeka, Kansas and started drawing at a young age thanks to a mentor that was a friend of his older brother. He continued studying art throughout middle school, high school and college. He then moved to Lawrence where Paul would begin 11 years of painting all over the nation, moving to Los Angeles, Wichita, and then circling back to Lawrence. At this time, Punzo started working with linoleum block prints and has continued experimenting with different mediums alongside linoleum carvings to create authentic works of art. He joined the Percolator art space four years ago and continues to help curate, put together, and hang a wide variety of art shows to partake in the Lawrence Art Scene and be a part of the diverse local artists who make this town great. In the past, Paul has collaborated with Kent Smith, Matthew Lord, Laura Ramberg, Eric Farnsworth and Brad Clark (LA), and has worked with Darin White, Racheal Perry and KH and Irene on their projects, as well as with artists from the local collective The Thieves Guild. Paul has shown work in galleries in Lawrence, Topeka, Kansas City and Wichita and has sold to collectors throughout the United States.

Artist statement : FLOWERS: WORKS BY PAUL PUNZO Through my art I create colorful works that evoke the iconography of everyday objects and images both familiar and obscure. These images through the layering of linoleum block images, watercolors, acrylics and silkscreening form images that each carry their own feeling and energy. With the use of a brayer, spoon, or my hand to press the image to paper the resulting prints are each unique yet consistently composed of organic fusions of color, enhanced by imperfections, and grounded in a desire to create art that conveys joy and hope. Throughout my life as an artist I have utilized various media to create art that reflects objects, ideas, images that bring me a affinity between myself and the art. I am primarily a self taught painter and print maker and have honed my skills through a daily practice committed not just to the resultant art but to the process necessary to achieve a life full of art. For me, printmaking isn't just for fast reproduction of images. Instead, the beauty of printmaking is the repetitive process requiring the artist to reimage the print with each layout of blocks, each application of ink, and each pressing of block to paper. All of my prints begin with a primary image that is expressed in multiple perspectives through the interchange of various backgrounds, colors, and layers to achieve an original image and theme that evolves only through the process of the pressing of images. The result is a print that emits a vibrancy and spontaneity that call to my sense of hope and wonder.